冰碛谷社区学院的价值观是连接到我们的社区和它的成员. Even if you're not a student, 我们为所有社区成员提供各种参与的机会和体验.


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Career Training and Workforce Development

职业连接是一个免费的联邦政府资助的工作准备项目,我们的使命是为年轻人和成年人的劳动力做好准备. 对于选择的学分和非学分课程,参与者可以获得高达8,000美元的学费援助. 

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职业培训项目是一种快速进入专业领域或提高你在当前职位上的技能的方式. 获得证书,帮助你了解一个新行业的来龙去脉,或者通过一天的证书课程完成专业发展.

Industry certificates include:

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Host your next business meeting, conference, workshop, seminar, training event, awards banquet or other special events with us!

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The business consultants from Corporate, 社区和继续教育可以提供定制的课程和员工培训,以帮助您的公司提高效率.

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JRC可以通过实习和招聘项目帮助你的企业与学院的学生和校友建立联系, job fairs, networking events and much more.

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Personal Enrichment, Fitness and Recreation

Moraine Valley offers classes for those interested in art, computers, investing, and more through offerings by our Corporate, Community and Continuing Education area.

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The college's Health, Fitness and Recreation Center - called FitRec, 是否向社区开放并提供多种会员类型, group fitness classes, 在最先进的设施里进行个人训练等等.

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学院的美术和表演艺术中心为社区带来了完整的演出时间表, performances and concerts. 

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The Robert F. DeCaprio艺术画廊是冰碛山谷学生的聚会场所, the local community, and the contemporary art world. Our mission is to present significant works, through exhibitions and programming, by local, national and international artists.

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Families and Youth

冰碛谷为高中生提供了缩短完成大学学位或证书所需时间的机会. These time- and money-saving opportunities include:

Dual Credit
一些学校允许高中生选修大学课程,以代替一门或多门普通高中课程. 你可以同时获得大学学分,完成高中毕业和大学学位所需的高中课程.

Dual Enrollment

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Our Movie in the Moonlight series features newer, family-friendly movies on a large, inflatable screen and free admission.

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STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is a national, 区域和地方倡议,强调需要提高这些领域的全球竞争力.

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冰碛谷探险者提供夏令营和课程,由我们的专业教师团队带领,帮助儿童和青少年发现, imagine and create.

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ESL, GED, and Citizenship

英语作为第二语言(ESL)是为母语不是英语并希望发展阅读能力的成年居民提供的, writing, listening, and speaking skills. 学院有初级班、中级班和高级班. ESL classes are offered free of charge.

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The State of Illinois High School Diploma, formerly known as the High School Equivalency Certificate 考试可以给你获得伊利诺斯州证书的机会 High School Diploma certificate. 我们的课程是免费的,为学生参加伊利诺伊州的考试做准备 High School Diploma test. 你将学习五门课程:阅读、写作、科学、社会科学和数学. The test is available in English or Spanish.

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冰碛谷不仅为准备申请入籍面试和考试的学生提供入籍课程,还在校园内举办入籍仪式. The college is proud to partner with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services 确保了美国作为一个移民国家的承诺,同时也为校园社区提供了见证民主行动的机会,并欢迎这个国家的新公民.

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Want to do business with the college?

Businesses seeking to be added to bidder list can find information here.